Sunday 21 October 2018

A Children's Book about Sex

The Silver Door is a children's book about sex.

The book expresses an adventurous understanding of life where it is possible to imagine an angel accompanying a new born child's soul into the world. The book takes inspiration from the Waldorf Education (founded by Rudolf Steiner in 1919). It is however not an orthodox Waldorf publication, but rather the inspiration lies in the fact that I grew up in an environment inspired by the Rudolf Steiner movement and I simply like the aesthetics and view of life, especially when regarding children. The expression of the book was also inspired by many years of working with the body as a means of expression. I am trained as a modern dancer and have worked within this field for many years.

How to teach children the basic principles of human sexuality is a highly controversial and fragile topic. I do not wish to enter a discussion of what is right or wrong in this regard. I spent a lot of time and dedication on this book, I am very pleased with it and I am passing it on for free. If you like it and think that it would be a useful book to explain sexuality to your child, then please feel free to use it.

The book is aimed at children aged 3-8 years. It does not aim to explain an exact model of scientific understanding, but instead tries to visualize through colorful and adventurous images that speak to the child's senses and imagination.

The book is available in three languages. English, German and Danish. It is also available in a translatable version (an English edition where the text can be translated via google translate). So in practice you could read it in Korean if you wanted. The question is then if google is able to make a satisfactory translation into Korean. Either way the possibility exists.

The Silver Door: Translatable

This is the translated version of the silver door, a book for children about sexuality. In order to enable the book to be translated, I had to place the text a bit outside the page itself. To translate, select your language in the drop-down box at the top right.

The Silver Door -A Children's Book about Sex

The Silver Door is a children's book about sex.

Unfortunately, the English translation of the book has not yet been completed. It is, however, right on the stairs. Come back in a couple of weeks, it will be here. I have put the German version here in the meantime :-)

En bog for børn om seksualite

Sølvdøren er en bog for børn om seksualitet.

Bogen udtrykker en eventyrlig forståelse af livet, hvor der er plads til, at en engel kommer med barnets sjæl. Der er fundet inspiration i Rudolf Steiner-bevægelsens livssyn og æstetik.

Det er dog ikke en ortodoks Antroposofisk (Rudolf Steiner) publikation. Inspirationen ligger i, at jeg voksede op i et miljø som har været inspireret af Rudolf Steiner-bevægelsen og i at jeg simpelthen kan lide æstetikken og det livssyn som ligger bag den, især hvad angår børn. (Mere om Rudolf Steiner pædagogik her)

Bogens udtryk er også inspireret af mine mange års arbejde med krop og bevægelse som udtryksform. Jeg er nemlig uddannet Moderne Danser og har arbejdet inden for dette felt i mange år.

Hvordan man lærer børn de grundlæggende principper i den menneskelig seksualitet er et kontroversielt og ømtåleligt emne. Faktisk vil jeg helst ikke gå ind i en diskussion om hvad der er "rigtigt" og "forkert" i den sammenhæng. Jeg har lavet denne bog og jeg har lagt en masse arbejde og dedikation i den. Jeg er rigtig glad for resultatet og jeg har besluttet at udgive den gratis. Hvis du kan lide det og synes, at det er en god bog til at forklare seksualitet for dit barn, så vil det glæde mig meget. Hvis du ikke kan lide den, så finder du en anden måde.

Du kan læse bogen online her.

Hvis du vil læse bogen fra en bred skærm altså fx på en laptop, tablet eller blot på en smartphon i vandret tilstand kan du få en bedre oplevelse ved at læse den PDF-udgave hvor siderne er sat op som en opslået bog (højre side overfor den venstre). Hvis du ønsker at udskrive bogen skal du gå til Print it yourself-siden hvor du kan finde links og forklaringer vedrørende udskrivning og samling af bogen.